We’re very excited to have booked and secured our production team here at CDG Entertainment for the up and coming production of InyComm 2019 commercial spots.
Kevin Smith has graciously agreed to come on as our Creative Director and we can’t express how fortunate we are to have his years of commercial industry experience, production knowledge and multipal creative skills here in our house.
The fabulously talented Jim Simeone is heading west to join in on the fun as our Director of Photography. We are so happy to have Jim’s talents on board as he too brings a whole lot more to the table then just his DP skills. Jim’s a team player and we’re so happy to be working with him again on another great production this year.
We’re happy to announce that Sonja Kroop, Production Designer has just signed on and with her skills and many talents has just elvated this production one more level…if not two more levels. Thanks Sonja and Team for coming on board.
The City of El Monte has invited us into their city and are supporting our production with open arms. We look forward to the few days we’ll be there.
Our production team, Robert “RJ’ Jarrin, Jim Stoddard, Ganna Hertzog and Marcus Velazquez are once again assemble to kick ass on another CDG Entertainment production. Thank you team your support through out the many shoots has always been outstanding. Glad you’re on board to cover our asses once again.
More to come as we go into our final prep weeks. Cast is being reviewed and final picks will be locked soon. Announcement on who made the cut will be coming out later this week.
Thanks to all involved and what you’ve already brought to the table. More coming soon!